Below are brief descriptions for NSGP Committees. To learn more about the work of the Committees or to inquire about joining a committee, contact
Audit Responsible for inspecting the books and records of the Treasurer and submitting a written audit report at the Annual Meeting of members
Breakfast ClubResponsible for organizing the free colloquium series where members and non-members get the opportunity to network and learn about therapy related topics BylawsResponsible for assessing the adequacy of the by-laws, and when appropriate, to propose revisions for board consideration
ConferenceResponsible for organizing, promoting and conducting the Annual Regional Institute and Conference of the Society. The Conference Committee is comprised of 7 separate sub-committees: Brochure, Experience Group, Hospitality, Publicity, Registration, Site, Workshop
Continuing EducationResponsible for regularly reviewing the application criteria for continuing education credits of the various professional organizations and updating the Board on its findings. As directed by the Board, the CE Committee is also responsible for overseeing and carrying out the Society’s applications for such credits.
Membership Responsible for outreach to potential and new members and for increasing NSGP membership.
Newsletter Responsible for overseeing and implementing the publication of the NSGP newsletter.
Nominating Responsible for considering available candidates for elected office; determining the willingness of the proposed nominees to serve as President-elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and members at large of the Board of Directors; and presenting a slate of candidates for the offices of President, Secretary, Treasurer, and members at large of the Board of Directors to the membership for mail ballot vote.
Practice Development Responsible for promoting and supporting the development and practice of group psychotherapy. This committee offers events related to current practice issues, coordinates the Consultation Benefit Program, and oversees and monitors the group list on the NSGP website.
Publicity & Marketing Responsible for overseeing the continuing development and improvement of NSGP’s web site and database infrastructure, and NSGP’s other electronic means of communicating with members, the professional community in New England, and the public; coordinating publicity for NSGP’s various activities and services, and encouraging NSGP members to contribute to the professional community’s and the public’s understanding of the value and effectiveness of group psychotherapy.
Training Program Responsible for organizing, promoting, conducting and administrating the NSGP training program.
Northeastern Society for Group Psychotherapy
P.O.Box 356 | Belmont, MA 02478