Our scholarships are generously funded by the Northeastern Society for Group Psychotherapy Foundation (NSGPF). Both the Foundation and NSGP are committed to the development of students, early career mental health professionals, and its members in need of financial support who have an interest in expanding their knowledge and skills in group psychotherapy.
Currently there are 4 scholarship funds:
- The Michelle McGrath LGBTQIA+ Scholarship is intended for clinicians and students who identify and/or work with that population.
- The Debora Carmichael Scholarship for Working Parents is offered for those individuals who are working parents.
- The Walker Shields Scholarship is for those clinicians who are passionate about group work.
- The Anne Alonso Scholarship provides partial scholarships to attend a course(s) within the NSGP Training Program, a group therapy leadership conference workshop or Institute, special event, or other group leadership training opportunities.
Please apply to one scholarship for which you have an affinity ONLY. For example, if you work with the LGBTQ population, apply for the McGrath Scholarship. If you are a parent with young children, apply for the Carmichael Scholarship. If you are applying for an Experience Group, apply for the Shields Scholarship. Other training or conference workshops, apply for Alonso Scholarship. For those who qualify, scholarships help to defray the cost of the annual Conference and our Training Program which includes the Principles Course (6 sessions) and Modules 1 & 2 of the Experiential Group (12 weeks each).
Details about each of these training opportunities can be found on the respective pages - Annual Conference and Training Program. NSGP strongly believes in the power of investing in the future of professionals who commit to the endeavor of group work. This investment strengthens your clinical skills and enhances the field of group psychotherapy.
Details and information about all our scholarships can be found here:
The Anne Alonso Scholarship
Learn how to apply for the Anne Alonso Scholarship
The Michelle McGrath LGBTQIA+ Scholarship
Learn about and apply for the Michelle McGrath Scholarhip
The Debora Carmichael Scholarship
For Working ParentsLearn about and apply for the Debora Carmichael Scholarship
The Walker Shields Scholarship
Learn About and Apply for this special Scholarship
Please follow these steps if you wish to apply for a scholarship:
Register for the course or conference but DO NOT PAY. Apply for a scholarship. If you receive a scholarship, the amount will be deducted from your invoice and the balance due is your responsibility to pay promptly. Scholarships are given on a funds-available basis.
For questions about the NSGP Scholarship Program, contact the Scholarship Committee chair,Oona Metz, LICSW CGP FAGPA at oonametzlicsw@gmail.com
For question about invoicing and payment, contact Lisa Portscher at support@nsgp.com