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Welcome to Issue 8 of NSGPeople!

We are excited to share with you the new issue of NSGPeople -- the newsletter you know and love, with added ease and interactivity.

Some cool tech features to know about, within the PDF itself:

·      Interactive Table of Contents: See an article you want to read? Click directly on an article title under "INSIDE" in the PDF! It will take you there.

·      Want to get back to the first page? Click on the NSGPeople logo at the top of every page.

·      Navigate from page to page using the left and right blue arrows at the bottom of each page.

·      See “continued on page…”? Click on it to finish the article!

·      Hyperlinked emails and websites: Click on an email address to start writing to the contact or click on the web site to be directed there! (Be sure you have pop up blocking turned off.)

If you have something you would like to contribute to the next online issue, please email us at newsletter@nsgp.com.

Enjoy Issue 8!

Nadia Khatchadourian, LICSW and Natasha Khoury, LMHC

NSGPeople Co-Chairs

Northeastern Society for Group Psychotherapy
P.O.Box 356 | Belmont, MA 02478

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