Training Committee
Responsible for organizing, promoting, conducting and administrating the NSGP training program. 2024-2025 NSGP Training Program Join one of our stellar learning opportunities for building your skills * * * * 2025 NSGP Principles of Group Psychotherapy Course (Registration Closed - Please join us for the next session in 2026) The Principles course consists of a Welcome Orientation and 5 day-long modules, each with a morning didactic and afternoon experiential portion. Each module takes a contextual, culturally sensitive approach to the effective integration and application of theory and practice. All modules are held in person (with one exception as noted below) in the greater Boston area. The program meets the didactic requirements for the CGP credential. SCHEDULE January 6, 2025 - On-Line via Zoom at 7 pm ET Welcome & Orientation January 11, 2025 - In Person (Newton Center, MA) 1. Foundations - Mary Alicia Barnes, OTD and Sasha Watkins, EdD, LMHC February 8, 2025 - On-Line via Zoom 2. Structure and Dynamics - Aziza Belcher Platt, PhD March 15, 2025 - In Person (Newton Center, MA) 3. Formation and Development - Gabriela Perez-Gil and Cathy Dubois April 26, 2025 - In Person (Newton Center, MA) 4. Ethics, Neuroscience, IFS and Personal Style - Annie Weiss, LICSW, CGP, FAGPA May 10, 2025 - In Person (Location TBD) 5. Leadership Tasks and Skills - Justin Hecht, PhD QUESTIONS ABOUT THE PROGRAM: Contact Co-Chairs Annie Weiss, LICSW, CGP or Justin Hecht, PhD Click here to read/download last year's CE Accreditation Statement for the Course. * * * * * NSGP Weekly Experiential Group (Registration Closed - A new group begins in Sep 2025) The Experiential Group is a weekly training group for clinicians interested in developing skills and confidence as group leaders through experience as group members. Participants learn first hand about the powerful opportunities and complex challenges of small group dynamics. The program is facilitated by Amy Matias, PhD, LICSW, CGP. WHEN: Module 1: Begins September 2025 Module 2: Begins February 2026 WHERE: This group takes place in person. The location will be emailed to all registered and paid participants. Completion of the Experience Group and submission of an online evaluation offers 15 CEUS for social workers, psychologists, and licensed mental health counselors. All participants also receive a complimentary one year Student membership to NSGP or comparable discount for another membership level. This program is limited to 12 participants. FINANCIAL SCHOLARSHIPS: Scholarships may be available. If funds are available, partial scholarships will be awarded based on application strength, financial need, passion/interest for group therapy, and involvement in NSGP. See below to learn more about NSGP's SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM. QUESTIONS ABOUT THE PROGRAM: Contact Catherine Dubois, PsyD at QUESTIONS ABOUT REGISTRATION & BILLING: Contact Lisa Portscher at DISCLAIMER: The Experiential Group is not a therapy group. Although participating in a training group may have therapeutic value, the goal is for learning about group dynamics and process rather than personal change and the leader will function with this in mind. Click here to read/download the CE Accreditation Statement for the EG. * * * * * The NSGP Training Committee is dedicated to providing the most comprehensive programming to group leaders, which include culturally informed material. We look forward to welcoming you! Training opportunities are brought to you by the NSGP Training Committee
* * * * * NSGP Monthly Zoom Consultation Group! (Registration Closed) January-June 2024, 1st Saturday of the Month from 9:00-10:00am We have room for up to 8 members (minimum of 3) who are looking for a closed group opportunity to discuss challenges they are experiencing in their clinical practice or at the organizational level. We will be using a Balint-oriented frame. Deadline to Register: CLOSED
ABOUT YOUR GROUP LEADERS Mary Alicia Barnes, OT, OTD is a lecturer at Tufts University. She has co-led group training and mentoring groups for occupational therapy graduate students over for 30 years. Mary has also co-authored publications and done numerous presentations related to group theory and practice. She is past board member and conference committee member and currently co-leads a monthly consultation group. Her scholarship focuses on measuring outcomes of group leader training, experiential education, and community-based program evaluation Ann Koplow, LICSW, CGP Group psychotherapy is Ann’s passion and the Northeastern Society for Group Psychotherapy has fueled, illuminated, informed, and expanded this passion since she first connected with the organization in the 1990s. As the creator and facilitator of open-access groups at the primary care practice of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, she witnesses the healing power of groups for a wide range of populations. Ann has served on the Board of Directors and as President of NSGP, an organization that helps train, nurture, and support people who do this important work. We look forward to seeing you! * * * * * The Brookline Center for Community Mental Health & The Northeastern Society of Group Psychotherapy Observation Groups The NSGP is proud and excited to collaborate with The Brookline Center for Community Mental Health in offering two Observation Groups as part of our training program. This represents a collaboration between NSGP and The Brookline Center to promote this remarkable learning opportunity. These are two long-running, well-established interpersonal process groups that are led by some of Boston's most veteran group therapists. Observers are invited to sit silently in the room during each session, and then to discuss the group after the members leave. Two Observation Groups are available. Group 1 is led by Amy Matias, PhD, MSW, LICSW, CGP and Jeff Brand, PsyD, CGP, who alternate leading the group individually on 10-week intervals. This group meets on Thursday mornings from 10:00 AM to 11:45 AM. Group 2 is led by Joel Krieg, LICSW, CGP and Julie Anderson, PhD, CGP who co-lead together. This group meets on Tuesday mornings from 10:15 AM to 12:00 PM. Much like enrolling in a course, observers commit to a minimum 10-week window of observation. This is both to ensure the comfort of group members as well as to support the observers' learning. Observers also pay a covering fee of $200 per observation interval. There is a 50% discount available to NSGP members. For more information about expectations of observers, payment information, or scheduling, please visit the Brookline Center website. If you're interested in Group Observation at the Brookline Center or have any questions, please call or email Jeff Brand, PsyD, Adult Group Therapy Co-coordinator at the Center. He can be reached at (617) 277-8107, or at * * * * *
NSGP Scholarship Program
Scholarships may be available for the Experiential Group Training and Principles Course. If funds are available, partial scholarships will be awarded based on application strength, financial need, passion/interest for group therapy, and involvement in NSGP. Click to learn about the Scholarship Program | INFO For further information regarding the requirements to become a Certified Group Therapist follow the link below to the American Group Psychotherapy Association website. |