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The Northeastern Society for Group Psychotherapy Foundation is pleased offer this Scholarship in honor of Debora Carmichael, PhD.

Debora Carmichael died on October 18, 2019 at age 59 after a four year battle with ovarian cancer. She will be deeply missed by her family, friends, colleagues and patients. Debora was born on an Air Force base in Biloxi, Mississippi. A dependant of the military, she attended seventeen schools before graduating from high school in South Dakota and ultimately earning her PhD at Boston College. Debora started and completed her PhD while raising two young sons. She trained and worked at Mclean Hospital in Belmont, Massachusetts before launching her private practice in Cambridge, MA and in Nashua, New Hampshire.  She was very involved in the Northeastern Society for Group Psychotherapy, her professional home, serving as President from 2014-2016. Debora earned the designation of Certified Group Psychotherapist and was awarded Fellowship status in the American Group Psychotherapy Association. She was proud to receive the Affiliate Society Assembly Award for outstanding contribution to NSGP. Debora passionately believed in the power of group therapy. We honor Debora’s legacy by offering these scholarships which enable comprehensive didactic and experiential group training.

The opportunity to attend group therapy training at NSGP offers a truly extraordinary learning experience. These awards will be given to clinicians who demonstrate an interest in group work and the potential for leadership. Special consideration will be given to those clinicians who are parents of young children. They are intended to provide significant financial assistance so that group therapy training is possible. Partial or full scholarships are available for the NSGP Annual Conference and for the NSGP Training Program. 

How to Apply for this Scholarship

Deadline For Conference Awards: end of March

  1. Register for the conference events or Training Program you are interested in attending. Select the "Invoice Me" option and do not submit payment.
  2. Fill out the scholarship application (link below).  Your application will be automatically submitted to the committee. Scholarship applications are reviewed on a weekly basis.
  3. When you receive confirmation of your scholarship and the amount, NSGP will adjust the amount of your original invoice and you will receive notice to submit payment for the balance due. 


Oona Metz, LICSW, CGP, FAGPA at oonametzlicsw@gmail.com. Please include Deb Carmichael Scholarship in the subject line of the email.

For question about invoicing and payment, contact Lisa Portscher at support@nsgp.com

Northeastern Society for Group Psychotherapy
P.O.Box 356 | Belmont, MA 02478

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