Michelle was a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker who died peacefully on June 14, 2018 from brain cancer. She was 57 years old, a dear friend and colleague to many. She will be deeply missed. Prior to her death, Michelle had a thriving private practice in Arlington, Massachusetts. She was a beloved clinician and supervisor who had special expertise working with couples and the LGBTQ community.
Michelle was an active and vibrant member of the Northeastern Society for Group Psychotherapy for many years. She completed the NSGP Training Program and was Co-Chair of the NSGP Membership Committee, an NSGP Board member and a member of the Executive Committee of the Board. She regularly attended the NSGP annual conference and often enthusiastically volunteered to be a participant in demonstration groups, providing others with the rare opportunity to see how groups can be powerful agents for healing and connection.
The opportunity to attend group therapy training at NSGP offers a truly extraordinary learning experience. These scholarships will be given to clinicians who demonstrate a passion for group work and the potential for leadership. They are intended to provide significant financial assistance so that group therapy training is possible. Partial or full scholarships are available for the NSGP Annual Conference. Special consideration will be given to those clinicians who are working with the LGBTQIA+ community.
Deadline For Conference Scholarship: end of March
Oona Metz, LICSW, CGP, FAGPA at oonametzlicsw@gmail.com. Please include MCGRATH AWARD in the subject line of the email.
For question about invoicing and payment, contact Lisa Portscher at support@nsgp.com