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About NSGP

NSGP is a non-profit interdisciplinary professional organization for clinicians interested in group therapy and group dynamics. Founded in 1956 our mission is to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas about group psychotherapy.

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professional community.

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NSGPeople Issue 8 is here!

The PDF version of the newsletter you know and love is now back!

We are excited to share with you the latest issue of NSGPeople.

Questions, comments, or something you would like featured? Please email newsletter@nsgp.com to reach Nadia Khatchadourian and Natasha Khoury, Co-Chairs.

What is Group Therapy?

An Animated Short

If you've ever wondered what group therapy is and how it can help, don't take our word for it.
Let these cute little animated characters tell you more!
Created by: Students of the Lesley University School of Art and Design
Community Animation Studio Course

Upcoming Events


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