Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee
Responsible for promoting and supporting diversity, inclusion, and equity amongst NSGP organizational structure and membership. It provides opportunities to build personal connections and professional networks that foster identity based professional development. We strive to create professional spaces and dialog that allow opportunities for exploring cultures, identities, and differences as well as similarities and connections. DIVERSITY, EQUITY & INCLUSION COMMITTEE WEEKLY VIRTUAL CHECK-IN
Resources Resources for Self-Education about Racism in The US Films & TV Shows 13th (Ava DuVernay)-Available on Netflix Dear White People (Justin Simien)-Available on Netflix I Am Not Your Negro (Raoul Peck)-Available on Amazon Prime Selma (Ava DuVernay)-Available on Amazon Prime Maya Angelo: And Still I Rise (Rita Coburn Whack, Bob Hercules)-Available on Netflix Chasing Trane: The John Coltrane Documentary (John Scheinfeld)-Available on Netflix True Justice: Bryan Stevenson (George, Teddy, and Peter Kunhardt)-Available on HBO Books/Audiobooks White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism by Robin DiAngelo Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehesi Coates
Articles Why People of Color Need Spaces Without White People (Arrow Journal) How Amy Cooper and George Floyd Represent Two Versions of Racism that Black Americans Face Every Day (The Washington Post, May 28, 2020) Antiracist Reading List - Ibram X Kendi (NY Times, May 29, 2019)
Recorded Webinar
Podcasts Code Switch NPR
YouTube Videos Why “I’m Not Racist” is Only Half the Story Privilege Explained in a $100 Race
Helpful Infographics How to Be A Racial Transformer
Other 75 Things White People Can Do for Racial Justice Bibliography Bemak, F. & Chung, R. C.-Y. (2019). Race dialogues in group psychotherapy: Key issues in training and practice. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 69:2, 172-191, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1080/00207284.2018.1498743
Comas‐Díaz, L., & Jacobsen, F. M. (1991). Ethnocultural transference and countertransference in the therapeutic dyad. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 61(3), 392-402.
Eddo-Lodge, R. (2017). Why I’m No Longer Talking To White People About Race. New York: Bloomsbury.
Hooks, b. (1994). Teaching to transgress: Education as the practice of freedom. New York: Routledge.
Irving, D., & Irving, D. (2016). Waking up white: And finding myself in the story of race. Author's Republic.
Irving, D. 21-Day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge. https://debbyirving.com/21-day-challenge/
Lee, E. (2014). A therapist’s self-disclosure and its impact on the therapy process in cross-cultural encounters: Disclosure of personal self, professional self, and/or cultural Self? Families in Society, 95(1), 15–23.https://doi.org/10.1606/1044-3894.2014.95.3
Morgan, D. (2019). The Unconscious in Social and Political Life. Oxforshire, UK:
Nadal, K. L. (2017). “Let’s get in formation”: On becoming a psychologist–activist in the 21st century. American Psychologist, 72(9), 935–946.
Okech, J. E. A., Pimpleton-Gray, A. M., Vannatta, R., & Champe, J. (2016). Intercultural conflict in groups. The Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 41:4, 350-369, DOI: 10.1080/01933922.2016.1232769
Stovall, N. (2019). Whiteness on the couch. Longreads. Downloaded on 12/28/19 from https://longreads.com/2019/08/12/whiteness-on-the-couch/.
Walker, M. (2019). When getting along is not enough: Reconstructing race in our lives and relationships. Teachers College Press.
Yi, K. (2014). Toward formulation of ethnic identity beyond the binary of White oppressor and racial other. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 31(3), 426–434. Looks at the many layers and intersections that create a cultural identity. Highlighted case example shows how parts of self can unconsciously be associated with collective identity, and how these layers must be explored both separately and holistically for the client to truly benefit from the therapeutic process | Contact |